Dr. Rick Huff

"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology,
in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology."
-- Carl Sagan, American astronomer

Paws walking across screen!


Office Hours

Hasan School of Business, Room 251

Phone: 719.549.2635

Mobile: 719.250.7688

Home: 719.562.1693

Welcome to my web page! I provide this site as a resource for all my students to access all of the relevant information for my classes.  Just click on the relevant link on the dropdown menu from the Website Navigator link to reach the syllabus for your class.  The link below will let you see pictures of my family.  If you need to contact me, please feel free to email me via the link at the bottom of this page, or call me at any of the numbers listed above.
Thank you for your interest.

Huff Family Pictures

Bold Blue Line

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at